What to Expect When Gettinga DOT Medical Exam – SCHUMM

If you have been hired recently or are currently on the verge of being employed as a truck driver, or some other job within the Department of Transportation you will require DOT health exam. This medical exam may be stressful since you don’t know the exact requirements. This video will describe what to attend to during a medical exam for the DOT. The exam will assist you to determine whether you’re qualified for work at the DOT. Additionally, it helps in ensuring your physical well-being, considering that it is an extremely serious company to be working for.

The physical examination for the DOT exam is similar to regular check-ups with your doctor. You’ll have plenty of paperwork to fill out just like you do if had a visit to the doctor for the first appointment. The patient will be required to supply a lot personal information such as the name of your address, as well as contact number.

The video will go over what happens during an examination for physicals by DOT to ensure you’re prepared.


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