93 percent of the online experiences enjoyed by internet users begin with a trip to one of the major search engines and if you would like your hosting services to be coupled with something else that will make it easier for your customers to capitalize on this notion, then you should also consider becoming an Seo reseller. While hosting is a basic service to provide, whether you are a reseller of these services or not, by working with the resale of search marketing plans, you will be able to bring something entirely new to your customers. Since the industry involving search engines is one that is valued at over $15 billion, you will be in for some truly great sales by taking full advantage of what it can offer you as a reseller.
In 2012, it was estimated that near 90 percent of users would browse for products online and when you can offer search engine optimization along with your hosting plans, it will be easy enough for you to take advantage of popular customer needs. In addition, with more people going online using tablets and smartphones, informed consumers are giving online retailers a serious edge over their brick and mortar competition which is why it is important for you to offer as many marketing services as you can along with your hosting packages. By doing this, it will give your business greater appeal to both ecommerce and BandM businesses.
Since almost 95 percent of social media marketers take the time to track their fans and followers, you will find that offering social media services can help your business as well. Since social media is a great additional internet marketing service, you will be able to offer more than one kind of marketing to your customers. This should help to build some loyalty to your brand.
You could even take things another step further by offering web design services. If you decide to resell customized web design or web templates that your customers can build off of themselves, you can even get people that do not have a web designer to sign up with you. This should really help to boost your sales.
When hosting is your main trade, there is nothing more important than longevity since you could lose customers at any moment. This is why offering extra services are so important to your business model. By doing so, you will be able to have a great following.